- AutoGPT
- Baby AGI
也就是说,当使用Baby AGI的时候,如果向系统提出一个目标,就会不断的优先考虑需要实现的目标,然后生成目标列表,之后就是不断的从目标列表中拉出优先级第一的任务,连续的执行他们,并根据前面的任务结果和现在的任务列表,创建更多的任务。(这里面,前面任务的执行结果,会被存储到内存或者Pinecone向量数据库)
- HuggingGPT
HuggingGPT是一个依赖Hugging Face的代理流程,其执行过程为
模型选择:LLM根据Hugging Face上专家模型描述,为任务分配适当的模型
# 设置API Key
import os os.environ[“OPENAI_API_KEY”] = ‘Your OpenAI Key’ # 导入所需的库和模块 from collections import deque from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Any from langchain.chains import LLMChain from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate from langchain.embeddings import OpenAIEmbeddings from langchain.llms import BaseLLM, OpenAI from langchain.vectorstores.base import VectorStore from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from langchain.chains.base import Chain from langchain.vectorstores import FAISS import faiss from langchain.docstore import InMemoryDocstore |
# 定义嵌入模型
embeddings_model = OpenAIEmbeddings() # 初始化向量存储 embedding_size = 1536 index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(embedding_size) vectorstore = FAISS(embeddings_model.embed_query, index, InMemoryDocstore({}), {}) |
# 任务生成链
class TaskCreationChain(LLMChain): “””负责生成任务的链””” @classmethod def from_llm(cls, llm: BaseLLM, verbose: bool = True) -> LLMChain: “””从LLM获取响应解析器””” task_creation_template = ( “You are a task creation AI that uses the result of an execution agent” ” to create new tasks with the following objective: {objective},” ” The last completed task has the result: {result}.” ” This result was based on this task description: {task_description}.” ” These are incomplete tasks: {incomplete_tasks}.” ” Based on the result, create new tasks to be completed” ” by the AI system that do not overlap with incomplete tasks.” ” Return the tasks as an array.” ) prompt = PromptTemplate( template=task_creation_template, input_variables=[ “result”, “task_description”, “incomplete_tasks”, “objective”, ], ) return cls(prompt=prompt, llm=llm, verbose=verbose) # 任务优先级链 class TaskPrioritizationChain(LLMChain): “””负责任务优先级排序的链””” @classmethod def from_llm(cls, llm: BaseLLM, verbose: bool = True) -> LLMChain: “””从LLM获取响应解析器””” task_prioritization_template = ( “You are a task prioritization AI tasked with cleaning the formatting of and reprioritizing” ” the following tasks: {task_names}.” ” Consider the ultimate objective of your team: {objective}.” ” Do not remove any tasks. Return the result as a numbered list, like:” ” #. First task” ” #. Second task” ” Start the task list with number {next_task_id}.” ) prompt = PromptTemplate( template=task_prioritization_template, input_variables=[“task_names”, “next_task_id”, “objective”], ) return cls(prompt=prompt, llm=llm, verbose=verbose) # 任务执行链 class ExecutionChain(LLMChain): “””负责执行任务的链””” @classmethod def from_llm(cls, llm: BaseLLM, verbose: bool = True) -> LLMChain: “””从LLM获取响应解析器””” execution_template = ( “You are an AI who performs one task based on the following objective: {objective}.” ” Take into account these previously completed tasks: {context}.” ” Your task: {task}.” ” Response:” ) prompt = PromptTemplate( template=execution_template, input_variables=[“objective”, “context”, “task”], ) return cls(prompt=prompt, llm=llm, verbose=verbose) |
def get_next_task(
task_creation_chain: LLMChain, result: Dict, task_description: str, task_list: List[str], objective: str, ) -> List[Dict]: “””Get the next task.””” incomplete_tasks = “, “.join(task_list) response = task_creation_chain.run( result=result, task_description=task_description, incomplete_tasks=incomplete_tasks, objective=objective, ) new_tasks = response.split(“\n”) return [{“task_name”: task_name} for task_name in new_tasks if task_name.strip()] def prioritize_tasks( task_prioritization_chain: LLMChain, this_task_id: int, task_list: List[Dict], objective: str, ) -> List[Dict]: “””Prioritize tasks.””” task_names = [t[“task_name”] for t in task_list] next_task_id = int(this_task_id) + 1 response = task_prioritization_chain.run( task_names=task_names, next_task_id=next_task_id, objective=objective ) new_tasks = response.split(“\n”) prioritized_task_list = [] for task_string in new_tasks: if not task_string.strip(): continue task_parts = task_string.strip().split(“.”, 1) if len(task_parts) == 2: task_id = task_parts[0].strip() task_name = task_parts[1].strip() prioritized_task_list.append({“task_id”: task_id, “task_name”: task_name}) return prioritized_task_list def _get_top_tasks(vectorstore, query: str, k: int) -> List[str]: “””Get the top k tasks based on the query.””” results = vectorstore.similarity_search_with_score(query, k=k) if not results: return [] sorted_results, _ = zip(*sorted(results, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)) return [str(item.metadata[“task”]) for item in sorted_results] def execute_task( vectorstore, execution_chain: LLMChain, objective: str, task: str, k: int = 5 ) -> str: “””Execute a task.””” context = _get_top_tasks(vectorstore, query=objective, k=k) return execution_chain.run(objective=objective, context=context, task=task) |
最后我们定义一个主类,Baby AGI 主类
class BabyAGI(Chain, BaseModel):
“””BabyAGI代理的控制器模型””” task_list: deque = Field(default_factory=deque) task_creation_chain: TaskCreationChain = Field(…) task_prioritization_chain: TaskPrioritizationChain = Field(…) execution_chain: ExecutionChain = Field(…) task_id_counter: int = Field(1) vectorstore: VectorStore = Field(init=False) max_iterations: Optional[int] = None class Config: “””Configuration for this pydantic object.””” arbitrary_types_allowed = True def add_task(self, task: Dict): self.task_list.append(task) def print_task_list(self): print(“\033[95m\033[1m” + “\n*****TASK LIST*****\n” + “\033[0m\033[0m”) for t in self.task_list: print(str(t[“task_id”]) + “: ” + t[“task_name”]) def print_next_task(self, task: Dict): print(“\033[92m\033[1m” + “\n*****NEXT TASK*****\n” + “\033[0m\033[0m”) print(str(task[“task_id”]) + “: ” + task[“task_name”]) def print_task_result(self, result: str): print(“\033[93m\033[1m” + “\n*****TASK RESULT*****\n” + “\033[0m\033[0m”) print(result) @property def input_keys(self) -> List[str]: return [“objective”] @property def output_keys(self) -> List[str]: return [] def _call(self, inputs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: “””Run the agent.””” objective = inputs[“objective”] first_task = inputs.get(“first_task”, “Make a todo list”) self.add_task({“task_id”: 1, “task_name”: first_task}) num_iters = 0 while True: if self.task_list: self.print_task_list() # Step 1: Pull the first task task = self.task_list.popleft() self.print_next_task(task) # Step 2: Execute the task result = execute_task( self.vectorstore, self.execution_chain, objective, task[“task_name”] ) this_task_id = int(task[“task_id”]) self.print_task_result(result) # Step 3: Store the result in Pinecone result_id = f”result_{task[‘task_id’]}_{num_iters}” self.vectorstore.add_texts( texts=[result], metadatas=[{“task”: task[“task_name”]}], ids=[result_id], ) # Step 4: Create new tasks and reprioritize task list new_tasks = get_next_task( self.task_creation_chain, result, task[“task_name”], [t[“task_name”] for t in self.task_list], objective, ) for new_task in new_tasks: self.task_id_counter += 1 new_task.update({“task_id”: self.task_id_counter}) self.add_task(new_task) self.task_list = deque( prioritize_tasks( self.task_prioritization_chain, this_task_id, list(self.task_list), objective, ) ) num_iters += 1 if self.max_iterations is not None and num_iters == self.max_iterations: print( “\033[91m\033[1m” + “\n*****TASK ENDING*****\n” + “\033[0m\033[0m” ) break return {} @classmethod def from_llm( cls, llm: BaseLLM, vectorstore: VectorStore, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> “BabyAGI”: “””Initialize the BabyAGI Controller.””” task_creation_chain = TaskCreationChain.from_llm(llm, verbose=verbose) task_prioritization_chain = TaskPrioritizationChain.from_llm( llm, verbose=verbose ) execution_chain = ExecutionChain.from_llm(llm, verbose=verbose) return cls( task_creation_chain=task_creation_chain, task_prioritization_chain=task_prioritization_chain, execution_chain=execution_chain, vectorstore=vectorstore, **kwargs, ) |
最终我们对主代码进行执行,运行Baby AGI
# 主执行部分
if __name__ == “__main__”: OBJECTIVE = “分析一下北京市今天的气候情况,写出鲜花储存策略。” llm = OpenAI(temperature=0) verbose = False max_iterations: Optional[int] = 6 baby_agi = BabyAGI.from_llm(llm=llm, vectorstore=vectorstore, verbose=verbose, max_iterations=max_iterations) baby_agi({“objective”: OBJECTIVE}) |
其在执行过程中,会不断的进行循环,首先是TASK LIST然后不断的NEXT TASK,最后汇总为TASK RESULT任务结果。